Praise From Readers
A few thoughts from book buyers, veterinarians, authors, bloggers and reviewers

"With this book, canine cancer - the number one killer of dogs - loses some of its sting. The message that the dreaded diagnosis is not necessarily a death sentence will reassure many readers. Dressler, a general practice veterinarian, and Ettinger, a veterinary oncologist, advocate the “full spectrum” approach to treatment, in which conventional tools (surgery, chemotherapy, radiation) and alternative remedies (supplements, botanical nutraceuticals, mind-body medicine) are considered. Their counsel, in short: “Try everything.” The book’s divided structure is somewhat unusual (but nonetheless effective), as Dressler uses the first two-thirds to give a comprehensive overview, while in the last third, Ettinger details 12 common cancers and their conventional treatments. Clever use of sidebars (part of the book’s “Dummies”-style packaging) allows the authors to comment on each other’s ideas, so the reader gets a practical demonstration of the value of second opinions. Anecdotes from appreciative readers of the first (ebook) edition have been sprinkled throughout the text, providing further advice and support."
"Verdict: Faced with a bewildering set of circumstances, owners of dogs with cancer will welcome this guide, which will help them calm down, think clearly, consider the options, and, ultimately, make more confident decisions."
- Robert Eagan, Windsor P.L., Ont.

"The Dog Cancer Survival Guide is indispensable reading for any dog owner dealing with cancer… this book guides, supports and educates you!"
- Pennie Ianniciello, Book Buyer, Costco, Book Columnist, Costco Connection

"The future is upon us and this ground-breaking book is a vital cornerstone. In dealing with cancer, our worst illness, this Survival Guide is educational, logical, expansive, embracing, honest and so needed."
- Dr. Marty Goldstein, DVM, Holistic veterinarian and Host, Ask Martha Stewart’s Vet on Sirius Radio

"The Dog Cancer Survival Guide is an admirable book. It is so readable that it is more like a novel than an instructive text. Any serious book that is 470 pages long could be a daunting prospect. However this guide flows effortlessly and it is difficult to put it down, so packed is it with practical information. The canine patient, your beloved pet, must always be the main focus of attention. All caring or treatment for him/her needs to be a team effort which involves you the owner, your vet, the laboratory for diagnostic tests etc. and any specialist veterinary surgeon that might be asked to give a second opinion. The information in this book helps you navigate these relationships for your dog’s best care. The Dog Cancer Diet is an all-important section which should be studied and followed in great detail. I am delighted to find, that like me, Dr. Dressler is more convinced by practical evidence, rather than worshiping at the shrine of the ‘placebo embracing double blind crossover trial’ that most ‘scientists’ seem to dote on. I fully recommend this lovely book and it should be in the library and read by all people who are trying to cope with cancer in both animals and humans.”
- Francis Hunter, MRCVS, VetFFHom, Author of “Everyday Homeopathy for Animals“, “People are Pets“, and “Before the Vet Calls“

"The message of this book jumps off the written page and into the heart of every reader, and will become the at home bible for cancer care of dogs. The authors have given you a sensible and systematic approach that practicing veterinarians will cherish. I found the book inspiring and, clearly, it will become part of my daily approach to cancer therapy for my own patients."
- Dr. Robert B. Cohen, VMD, Bay Street Animal Hospital, New York

"A comprehensive guide that distills both alternative and allopathic cancer treatments in dogs...With the overwhelming amount of conflicting information about cancer prevention and treatment, this book provides a pet owner with an easy to follow approach to one of the most serious diseases in animals."
- Dr. Barbara Royal, DVM, The Royal Treatment Veterinary Center, Oprah Winfrey’s Chicago veterinarian

"Dr. Dressler and Dr. Ettinger have succeeded at the incredible task of writing a book that really helps pet parents who are struggling with the many decisions faced when their beloved animal has been diagnosed with cancer. Presenting and explaining both complementary and conventional medical options for the treatment of cancer in ‘one book’ is a giant step in the direction of ‘one medicine’ offering integrative medical choices to pet parents for the betterment of their animal’s health."
- Dr. Bob Goldstein, Holistic veterinarian, Westport, CT

"The Dog Cancer Survival Guide is a great resource for pet parents whose dogs have been diagnosed with cancer. This easy-to-read book provides important information about canine cancers and discusses both conventional and holistic treatment options. Besides being informative, the book helps guide people as they navigate through a difficult and emotional path.”
- Dr. Ruth MacPete, The Pet Vet, Florida

"I wish that I had had The Dog Cancer Survival Guide when my dearly beloved Flat-coated Retriever, Odin, contracted cancer. It would have provided me alternative courses of action, as well as some well needed "reality checks" which were not available from conversations with my veterinarian. It should be on every dog owner’s book shelf--just in case..."
- Dr. Stanley Coren, PhD, FRSC, author of many books, including Born to Bark

"The Dog Cancer Survival Guide is like a crash course in canine cancer for the layperson. It takes a bit of the mystery out of the dreaded disease by teaching some of the what, why, and how regarding cancer and cancer treatment. After reading it, you will be better equipped to help your best friend live life to the fullest, regardless of the prognosis."
- Therese Kopiwoda, Blogger, The Pet Connection

"Picking up The Dog Cancer Survival Guide is anything but a downer: it's an 'empowerer.' It will make you feel like the best medical advocate for your dog. It covers canine cancer topics to an unprecedented depth and breadth from emotional coping strategies to prevention-in plain English. Read this book, and you will understand cancer stages, treatment options, and types, and much more. If you have just had the dreaded news, pick up a copy and it will guide the decisions your dog trusts you to make."
- Laure-Anne Viselé, Dog behavior specialist and technical dog writer,

"As a holistic dog care author, I knew exactly which experts to consult when my sweet Maltese Jiggy developed a large liver tumor. But even with advice from a top cancer specialist and help from a half dozen veterinary friends, I still had numerous questions. Exactly how should I adjust Jiggy’s diet? What supplements should I add? What else could I do to help him? I found the answers I sought and more in Dr. Dressler’s book. I was particularly impressed by the thoroughness of the information. The book is easy to read, but wonderfully complete. If your dog has cancer, I urge you to get two things: a second opinion … and this book."
- Jan Rasmusen, Author, Scared Poopless: The Straight Scoop on Dog Care